MEAL with Lakeshore Advantage
Hear from Lakeshore Advantage on their 2023 data - growing, planning, and solving local issues to ensure a bright economic future.
A little bit about our speaker:
Lakeshore Advantage is a Michigan economic development organization serving new and emerging businesses and entrepreneurs in Allegan and Ottawa counties.
Greg King is the Senior Business Solutions Manager at Lakeshore Advantage, the economic development organization for Allegan and Ottawa counties. He works with many of our region’s area manufacturers and firms, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies, connecting them to local, state, and federal resources in order to help them grow. Additionally, he and his team work to overcome challenges and barriers to economic growth, such as housing, childcare, and public transportation, all in an effort to make the lakeshore region a great place to live, work, play, and start a business.
Booth Opportunity
For only $25, you can have a booth and promote your business to those attending one of our monthly MEAL events! There are only two booths available per event, so register today to reserve your spot.
Available to Chamber Members only. Reserve a booth here.
Thank you to our MEAL series sponsor: Hulst Jepsen Physical Therapy
Thank you to our event sponsor: Hudsonville Downtown Development Authority

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Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
Thursday, March 21st
*Arrive at 11:45am for additional networking.
Royal Technologies
3614 Quincy St
Hudsonville, MI 49426
Quincy 2 (Q2) manufacturing building.
Contact Information
Lindsey Hicks
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